When Choosing A Synthetic Turf Infill, Look For These Characteristics
Infill SHOULD NOT contain micro plastics.
Micro plastics are fragments of any type of plastic less than 5 mm in length. They cause pollution by entering natural ecosystems from a variety of sources, including cosmetics, clothing, and industrial processes.
Infill should be well graded, rounded, spherical.
Well graded, rounded, and spherical infill reduces compaction and friction within the synthetic turf system.
Your infill should contain sustainable ingredients.
Dive into the ingredients list. Ensure the infill is 100% non toxic and non hazardous. Look for sustainability characteristics such as, “Biodegradable”, “Environmentally Friendly”, “Bio Based”, “EPA Certified”.
Infill should reduce synthetic turf surface temperatures and is proven and backed by science
Synthetic turf is great, but there is one serious design challenge - overcoming the surface heat. Choose an infill that is proven, and backed by science to cool the synthetic turf system.